Bottom-up Budgeting (BuB)

In pursuit of attaining the Philippine Development Plan’s goal of inclusive growth and poverty reduction, and promoting good governance at the local level, the Human Development and Poverty Reduction Cluster (HDPRC), through the Bottom-up Budgeting (BuB) Oversight Agencies, shall implement the Bottom-up Budgeting (BuB). This program seeks to increase citizen’s access to local service delivery through a demand-driven budget planning process and to strengthen government accountability in local public service provision.

The BuB oversight and participating agencies are tasked to ensure the implemetation of priority poverty reduction projects as identified at the city/municipal level through the BuB participatory planning and budgeting process.

It is an approach to the preparation of agency budget proposals, taking into consideration the development needs of cities/municipalities as identified in their respective local poverty action plans that shall be formulated with the strong participation of basic sector organizations and other civil society organizations.

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